04 abril 2016

Stab Magazine:::What's the Best Surfboard in the World? - Starring Julian Wilson

The overriding goal of this project was to see if we could answer the question: Is it possible to call a surfboard the best in the world? Sure, it’s a flawed objective. A board’s performance is subjective. But acknowledging this, we invited 12 of the world’s best shapers to each create a board for an unidentified 6’0”, 80kg CT surfer. Fast-forward some months and Julian Wilson was standing in the garage of a West Oz rental, opening two coffins full of cleanskin boards – no markings, no stickers, no pencil on the stringer, nothing identifiable – one from California, the other direct from Sydney.
And so, Jules and his blank knife collection settled into West Oz. We had 36 coloured stickers created by artist Paul McNeil and we included surplus colours and numbers just in case Jules was superstitious around any digits or shades. And, Julian’s 10-day game of Who’s Who began. Four photographers, three filmers and one producer were tasked with the story telling. The surfing is a perfect example of the output Julian Wilson could deliver if he ever went without jersey (and his own boards, for that matter). Watch it above.

Directed by: Sam McIntosh

Produced by: Damien Fahrenfort

Art direction: Shinya Dalby

Filmed by: Toby Cregan, Jimmy Lees, Rick Jackovic (water footage)
Edited by: Mike Pagan
Still photography: Ryan Miller, Chris Gurney, Andy Staley

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